CBC Guiding Principles
Thank you for visiting the Carnegie Business Collaborative web site. Our guidelines for enhancing mutual success are as follows;

2. All members are expected to engage with the spirit and the intent to present growth opportunities to other CBC members.
3. Growth Opportunities require TRUST. This will take time. All members are expected to get to know one another thru one-on-one meetings with other members OR in small groups as appropriate (Power Teams). Getting to know fellow members and their expertise is the surest way to cultivate trust and ultimately generate referrals.
4. CBC members’ success is rooted in members being committed to attending the bi-weekly meetings consistently and actively engaged in its events and planning.
6. All growth opportunities generated will be shared within the group meeting with as much detail as possible. Sensitive information does not need to be shared, but it will be important for CBC to understand and promote the benefits of membership, which will be to the benefit of all involved.
7. Additional costs due to educational speakers or larger event costs will be presented to the membership by the Board and voted upon. Only a simple majority will be required. If it is a tie, the final decision will be at discretion of the Board.
8. Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that enhances the image and reputation of CBC in the community it serves.